January 2021 - NetNation

How to Know If You Need a Website Refresh

Change is a constant force in nature and a natural law of the universe. The world of web design is no different. 

As tech evolves and the impossible becomes “possible,” the standard of what constitutes “good” web design evolves.

Giving your website a refresh to match with modern standards is not a matter of preference, but rather, a must-have (if you hope to keep up with competitors and meet consumers’ expectations).

Just think about your favorite restaurant – there’s a really good chance its interior looked a whole lot different in the year 2011, and an almost certainty it looked extremely different in 2001. Times change and consumers’ expectations evolve – it’s no different online.

Today we’re going to look at a few different design qualities all modern websites should have. Look through these and ask yourself if your website has these or if it falls a little short.

A Modern Design

Today’s consumers’ interact with apps like Facebook, Amazon, and Netflix all-the-time, almost 24/7. Consumers’ are trained to expect, and demand, a simple, intuitive design interface that makes navigation easy.

If your website is out-of-touch, hard to navigate, and out-of-date, consumers will notice and look elsewhere. Web users (especially millennials and younger) are savvy and quick to recognize and harshly critique dated online presences. 

Mobile Optimized

Many users regularly or exclusively use smart phones to get online. This means your website must be mobile-friendly and responsive.

What’s more, Google heavily favors websites that are mobile web optimized in its search rankings and penalizes websites that aren’t.  

A Simple, Clutter-Free Interface

Less is more in 2021. 

Minimalistic designs showcase information where users can find it – delivering a far better user experience than cluttered interfaces with distracting elements.

This means it may be time to consider retiring those shadows, reflections, 3D renderings and other elements that defined websites of yesteryear.

Websites shouldn’t complicate things and leave your visitors thinking if they should contact your business at all. 

Rapid Loading Time

This one’s simple enough – long load times are a bad thing. You don’t like it, your site visitors don’t like it, and search engines don’t like it either (Google penalizes slow-loading sites).

A lot of load time issues are due to dated site design principles baked into old websites. 

In  a world where instant-gratification is everywhere, a slow website is an instant turnoff.

Leveraging NetNation for a New Website

We live in a world where a website is the first impression most customers have of a business. Whether it’s fair or not, first impressions matter.

Fear not if you’re feeling that your website may need a refresh. We’re here to help.

NetNation now offers Website Design Services. With this service, you can now get a professional, modern, and elegant website for your business – all created for you.

Visit our Website Design Services page and schedule a free consultation with us to see if our design service makes sense for you.

The Benefits of a WordPress Website

The internet is a rapidly evolving place, where yesterday’s websites can quickly become yesterday’s news. Even the most dependable and trusted websites refresh their look from time to time, including major news publishers, e-commerce sites, and just about every industry in need of presenting a competitive, current message.

If you’re in a position where you have a website and it’s time for a refresh – or if you’re looking to make your first ever website – you’ve probably heard of WordPress.

Today, we’re going to detail why you should make WordPress your choice website platform.

While yes – popular platforms like Squarespace and Wix provide robust page building experiences, we’ll be detailing just how much of an advantage WordPress has over these services and why it’s considered the most flexible and powerful system on the web today.

WordPress is Powerful

Evolving from its roots as a blogging platform, WordPress has transformed over the years to an infinitely configurable Content Management System (CMS) that can deliver both a simple web page, or a feature-rich website.

Today, WordPress can handle e-commerce, invoicing, image and video galleries, online reservations, and more, through its vast network of APIs and connectivity, essentially serving as a portal for anything.

Many of the drag-and-drop platforms out there, like Squarespace and Wix, do not have the significant blogging capabilities WordPress offers.

Moreover, WordPress is based on open-source software driven by a collection of contributors and dedicated experts. Whatever your website needs, if it hasn’t already been created, rest assured someone in the community is already working on it.

The best part of choosing WordPress is that once you begin your site, you can update and enhance it exactly how you need over time, due to its limitless flexibility and standing as an industry standard.

WordPress is Easy and SEO Friendly

WordPress is built with simplicity in mind – meaning anyone can operate it behind the scenes.

In most cases, the look, feel, and functionality of a website is just a few plugins or configurations away, with behind-the-scenes maintenance tools that are easy and simple to configure.

Nobody wants things to be more complicated than they should be – WordPress was designed with that philosophy in mind.

WordPress is especially known for its Search Engine Optimization (SEO) capabilities. Essentially, SEO functionalities are baked into the platform – every time a post or page is made, valuable SEO tags and metadata is automatically generated, helping websites index in major search engines for key search terms.

A Time to Choose

We believe there’s no better choice in the industry today than a WordPress-based website.

If you’re interested in joining the WordPress wave, our professional WordPress website designers are waiting in the wings to create for you a modern, responsive, and professional WordPress website.

Learn more about our Website Design Services and how we can make your website vision into a reality.